About Us – The Independent Anglican Congregation in Thailand (IACT)


Welcome to the Independent Anglican Congregation in Thailand (IACT), a community rooted in diverse theological traditions and a commitment to social responsibility. Originating from St George’s Church in Pattaya, the IACT embodies a unique blend of Anglican and Lutheran heritage, enriched by an Affirming Catholic ethos.

Theological Foundations

Our congregation is founded upon the cornerstone of Anglo-Catholic and Affirming Catholic theology. This multidimensional approach emphasizes rigorous scriptural understanding and a proactive commitment to social justice. We are fortunate to have our lineage connected to the Lutheran Episcopal oversight, which enhances our ability for broader Christian engagement.

Global Anglicanism

While maintaining an independent character, the IACT holds informal affiliations with the global Anglican Communion. This connection is facilitated by agreements such as the Porvoo Convention, allowing us to participate in the larger ecclesiastical landscape without compromising our autonomy.

Ecumenical Partnerships

We place a significant emphasis on building enduring relationships with other Christian communities and orders. Our ecumenical approach fosters mutual goodwill and serves as a mechanism for expanding our social reach and resource base.

Liturgical Identity

The IACT is committed to preserving the richness of Anglican liturgy, harmonized with Lutheran succession and Affirming Catholic principles. Our liturgical practices are inclusive and aim to capture the broad spectrum of what it means to be genuinely Anglican.

Recent Milestones

  • 2023 marked the formal dedication of our daughter congregation, St. Paul’s, in Bangkok.
  • The ordinations of Rev. Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell and Fr. Zach Storey have enriched our Deaconate and Sacred Priesthood since 2022, leading the church’s response to Christians requesting church plants in their communities.
  • Community initiatives like the Healthcare Equipment Lending Scheme have been incorporated to support our congregants.


  • Fr. David Price, Chaplain of St George’s since 2017, has been instrumental in upholding high liturgical standards.
  • Fr. Tom McCusker III, our Chaplain between 2015-2017, brought extensive ministry experience from the U.S. Episcopal Church.
  • Fr. Theo Lewis led the church for nine years between 2006-2015 focussed on inclusion.
  • Rt. Revd. Vsevolod Lytkin has been serving as our guiding Bishop since 2012.

We invite you to join us on this spiritual journey, offering both traditional richness and contemporary relevance, as we seek to impact society meaningfully through our unified religious identity.