Rev. Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell

28th May 2023 – Ordained to the Sacred Priesthood, on the Feast of Pentecost, at 3pm, on 28th May 2023.

5th June 2022 – Admitted to the Deaconate on the Feast of Pentecost, at 3pm, on 5th June 2022

8th August 2021 – Confirmed as ‘Parish Safeguarding Officer’ having completed the Basic, Foundation and Safer recruitment certified online training with the Church of England

5th August 2021 – Registered with Sarum College to start a 3-year Higher Education Diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission via Common Awards at the University of Durham.

2nd May 2021 – Confirmed as the ‘Parish Administrator’

24th October 2020 – The Bishop and parish of St Georges confirmed that Lloyd would be, subject to education and training, able to work toward being ordained as a Deacon in Training.


Lloyd is English, although he has lived in Thailand on and off since 2011.

He is married and has a son, Sebastian, born in 2017, and baptised in St George’s the same year.

Since 1999 Lloyd has often investigated working toward ordination but never really took the first step.

Since his son was born, he has worked as an English Teacher online to make ends meet.

Between 2012-2016, Lloyd had also worked as a professional artist.  Painting and making sculpture which he sold in the UK.

Since 2011, he and his wife have run a family firm, operating tour desks within international brand hotels, providing wholesome family-based experiences.  Not, since COVID, that business suddenly died.

Prior to Thailand, Lloyd had travelled throughout Asia on the Trans Mongolia Express from Moscow, via Ullanbattor, to Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Osaka, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok and New Delhi.

Before travelling, he had spent a year learning how to be a Dive Master on the Atlantic island of Lanzarote.

Lloyd worked for 15 years within the voluntary sector, specifically with St Mungo’s (1993-2002) in London and Catching Lives (formerly The Scrine Foundation) (2002-2008) in Canterbury, fighting for long-term solutions to the effects of homelessness and supporting people in need.  He has extensive experience in social welfare concerning Housing, Health, Education and Employment.

Lloyd first became a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in London, UK, in 1997 and made it a point to actively meet and learn about new people and their cultures whilst exploring new places.